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The Forgotten

The Forgotten (2004)
Director: Joseph Ruben

This movie was adequate. Nothing more. Nothing new, nothing great. It seemed to be a cross of "Conspiracy Theory" and "Invasion of the Body Snatchers".

Julianne Moore plays a mother whose child died in a plane crash with several other children on the way to a summer camp. One day she finds all her pictures and videos of her son have disappeared. No one remembers her son, and there is no record of her son ever having lived. Everyone thinks she is crazy. But is she? Well you’ll just have to watch the movie if you…no she is not crazy.

This movie was entertaining, but has more holes than you can even count. I don’t like plot holes; I like a tight plot. This is one of those films that wants you to think, but not too much. They want you to consider the questions they ask, but don’t try asking any questions of your own or you will be disappointed. The ending was particularly unsatisfying as everything turned out all happy and nice, but really had no right to. If you want to see a much better movie watch "Conspiracy Theory" instead. Or Invasion of the Body Snatchers for that matter (the old or the new version will work).

My rating: 3 out of 5


Evan E. Richards Film Blog